The Best Guide To Dog Potty Training

The Best Guide To Dog Potty Training

Dogs are excellent companions. They provide us with love and loyalty and are always happy to see us. However, dogs can also be a lot of work. One of the most important aspects of dog ownership is potty training your pup. Many different methods and techniques can be used for dog potty training. Some people may choose to use a crate; others may choose to use pee pads.

In this guide, we will discuss the most common ways to potty train a dog and how long it typically takes to see results. We will also cover some of dog owners’ most common problems when trying to potty train their furry friend!

What Is Dog Potty Training?

Side view of Pied French bulldog puppy waiting at the door to go outside for toilet

Dog potty training is the process of teaching your dog where and when it is appropriate to relieve themselves. This process can differ for every dog, as some dogs may be easier to potty train than others. Potty training typically begins around 6-8 weeks, when puppies are first brought home.

Potty training a dog can be challenging, but it is doable with patience and consistency. The most important thing to remember is that every dog is different and will learn at its own pace. Be prepared for accidents, and always clean up any messes promptly. With some time and effort, you will have a potty-trained pup in no time!

How To Potty Train A Dog

Young woman scolding her Weimar puppy for peeing indoors, she is crouching and wiping the floor

There are several different ways that you can potty train your dog. Your method should be based on your dog and what works best for them. Some dogs may learn better with positive reinforcement, while others may need a more strict approach.

The Crate Method

A dog in a crate

One of the most popular potty training methods is the crate method. This involves confining your dog to a small space, such as a crate or pen, when not supervised. Dogs naturally do not want to soil their sleeping area, which will help prevent accidents in the house.

To crate train your dog, start by choosing a crate that is big enough for them to stand up and turn around but not too big that they can use one corner as a bathroom. Place the crate in an area of the house where your dog spends a lot of time, such as the living room. Put a soft bed or blanket inside the crate to make it comfortable.

When you first introduce your dog to the crate, let them explore it on their own. Once they seem comfortable, try feeding them their meals inside the crate. This will help them to associate the crate with positive things.

Once your dog is comfortable eating in the crate, you can start closing the door for short periods while they are inside. Start with just a few minutes, and gradually increase their time in the crate. If your dog begins to whine or cry, ignore it and wait for them to stop before letting them out.

The key to crate training is patience and consistency. If you are consistent with crate training, your dog will learn that the crate is safe, and they will be less likely to have accidents in the house. Many crates have a divider that can be moved as the dog grows.

The Puppy Pad Method

Another popular potty training method is the puppy pad method. This involves placing pads or newspapers in specific areas of the house for your dog to use as their bathroom. Many choose this method when they cannot confine their dog to a crate or pen.

To potty train your dog using puppy pads, start by placing the pads in an area where your dog spends a lot of time, such as the living room. You may need to place several pads around the house first, especially if you have a large house.

When your dog uses the bathroom on the pad, be sure to praise them and give them a treat. This will help them to associate going to the bathroom on the pad with positive things.

If your dog has an accident on the floor, clean it up with an enzymatic cleaner, and do not punish your dog. This will only make them afraid of going to the bathroom in front of you and will not help with their potty training.

The key to using puppy pads is to be consistent. If you consistently use them, your dog will learn that they are supposed to go to the bathroom on the pads.

The Outdoor Method

A dog in a doggie door

Many people choose to potty train their dogs using the outdoor method. This involves teaching your dog to go to the bathroom outside in a specific area.

To potty train your dog using the outdoor method, start by taking them outside to the same potty spot every time they need to go to the bathroom. Be consistent with this so your dog knows that this is the only place they should go.

The key to using the outdoor method is to be consistent. If you consistently take your dog outside to the same spot, they will learn that this is where they should go to the bathroom.

Dos Of Dog Potty Training

Dog giving paw

This will encourage the speed of your dog’s training:

Have A Consistent Schedule

Dogs are creatures of habit, and they thrive on routine. Your dog will learn faster if you are consistent with your potty training method. Just as they are familiar with their puppy food, where their meals come from, and when they will be fed, they will also learn where they are supposed to go to relieve themselves if you are consistent.

Potty training relies on something other than the dog but on the efforts and consistency of the dog owners.

Use Positive Reinforcement

Dogs respond well to positive reinforcement. When they do something you want them to do, such as using the restroom in the appropriate spot, be sure to praise them and give them a treat. This will help them to associate going to the bathroom with positive things.

Acknowledge When Your Dog Needs To Relieve Itself

You must pay attention to your dog and know when they need to go to the bathroom. Most dogs will sniff, make circles, wander off, whine, or sit by the door to indicate they need to go to the bathroom. If you see your dog do these signs, it is a sign that they need to go to the bathroom. Take them outside immediately so that they can relieve themselves. The sooner you can get them to the appropriate spot, the better.

Potty Breaks Should Be Included In Your Dog’s Daily Routine

Just as you have a daily routine, so should your dog. Make sure that potty breaks are included in her daily routine so that she knows when it is time to go to the bathroom. Give your dog a potty break outside the house. Time her if you have to. You want to give her adequate time to relieve herself; you don’t want her finishing the potty indoors.

Dogs typically need to go to the bathroom several times a day, so make sure that they have frequent trips outside. Take them out in the morning, after meals, and before bedtime.

Put Your Dog On A Leash While Potty Training

It is extremely important you put your dog on a leash during the potty training process to keep them close to you and prevent them from going to the bathroom in the wrong spot. This will help in the house training process.

Crate Training May Be Necessary

If you cannot confine your dog to a specific area, crate training may be necessary. Crate training involves teaching your dog to stay in its crate when it is not supervised. This will help prevent accidents in the house and make potty training easier.

Create And Maintain A Feeding Schedule

A feeding schedule will help regulate your dog’s bowels and make potty training easier. When your dog knows when they will be fed, they will be able to control their bowels better and will be less likely to have accidents in the house.

Be Patient

Potty training takes time and patience. If you are patient with your dog, they will learn eventually. Stay calm if they have accidents or do not seem to be progressing as quickly as you would like. Just keep at it, and they will get there eventually.

Don’ts Of Dog Potty Training

chihuahua dog being punished because of bad behavior by his owner, isolated on white background

You may have heard some conflicting advice on house training a dog. Here are some of the things you should not do during the potty training process:

Don’t Punish Your Dog For Accidents

If your dog has an accident in the house, you mustn’t punish them. This will only make them afraid of going to the bathroom in front of you and will not help with their potty training.

Don’t Use Puppy Potty Pads Forever

Puppy potty pads are a great tool to use when potty training your dog, but they should only be used for a while. Once your dog is potty trained, you should gradually transition them to going to the bathroom outside.

Don’t Give Up

Potty training your dog can be frustrating, but you mustn’t give up. Your dog will eventually learn how to use the restroom properly if you are consistent and patient.

Don’t Forget To Take Your Dog Out Often Enough

One of the most common mistakes that people make when potty training their dogs is forgetting to take them out often for potty time. Dogs typically need to go to the bathroom several times a day, so ensure you take them out often enough. Failure to stick to regular routines will result in potty accidents in the house.

Don’t Forget To Praise Your Dog When They Do Well

It is important to remember to praise your dog when they are doing well with its potty training. This will help to encourage them and will let them know that they are on the right track.

How Long Does It Take to successfully Potty Train a Dog?

A dog pooing

The time it takes to potty train a dog depends on many factors, such as the dog’s age, the method you are using, and the dog’s personality.

Generally, it is easiest to potty train young puppies because they have not yet developed bad habits. It is essential to start potty training as soon as possible so that the puppy can learn the desired behavior before they have a chance to develop bad habits.

Older dogs may take longer to potty train because they may already have developed bad habits. If you are potty training an older dog, it is essential to be patient and consistent.

The method you use to potty train your dog will also affect the time it takes. For example, if you are using crate training, it may take longer than if you are using the elimination method.

Finally, the dog’s personality will influence how long it takes to potty train them. Some dogs learn quickly, while others may take longer. It is essential to be patient and consistent with your dog, as this will help them to learn more quickly.

Problems You May Encounter When Potty Training a Dog

A golden retriever puppy being disciplined

One of the most common problems people encounter when potty training dogs are dealing with accidents. Dogs will have accidents, especially when they first learn how to use the restroom. It is important to be patient and not punish your dog for these accidents.

Another common problem is that some dogs progress slower than you would like. This is normal and is nothing to be concerned about. Just keep at it, and they will eventually learn.

Finally, some dogs may not take kindly to being potty trained. This is usually because they fear going to the bathroom in front of you or do not like the process. If this is the case, being patient and consistent with your dog is important. They will eventually come around and learn how to use the restroom properly.


Smiling young attractive woman playing with cute puppy dog border collie on summer outdoor background. Girl holding embracing hugging dog friend. Pet care and animals concept

Potty training a dog can be a long and challenging process, but it is important to be patient and consistent. It requires kindness, patience, and routine. Lack of adherence to a schedule with their feeding and potty breaks can become confusing for your dogs and encourage more home accidents. Dog ownership comes with a lot of responsibility, and it is the responsibility of the dog owner to adhere to the routine and watch their dog constantly, just as you would a child.

If you follow these tips, you will eventually have a dog that knows how to use the restroom properly.

Need Help With Potty Training?

If you’re looking for professional puppy training, then contact us today! We offer a variety of services that can help you and your pup get on the right track. From obedience training to potty training, we have a program that’s perfect for you and your dog. Contact us today to set up a consultation!

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6 Week Obedience Training

So you’ve finally got your pup and are in love with him! One thing you didn’t plan on, is the dog using the bathroom in the house, chewing shoes, nipping with those sharp puppy teeth, and barking. Now what? 

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